3 Tips for a Healthy Green Lawn
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Early Spring is one of the best time to put in the work to help your lawn stray green and healthy all year long. Here are 3 important steps to jump start your lawn growth.
1. Clear off any debris from your lawn and rake (fluff) the grass. This will help rid the lawn of snow mold and allow more air flow to help the lawn breathe.
2. Apply pre-emergent and crabgrass control with fertilizer, this needs to be done before the soil temperature exceeds about 55 degrees. After this point the weed seeds will have already germinated and the pre-emergent will not be effective. Crabgrass is much easier to prevent than to treat.
3. Core Aerate your lawn. This benefits your lawn in multiple ways, it helps water and other nutrients reach the root beds. It also helps loosen compacted soil which allows the roots to grow.
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